December 18 - Free Fall

Hurtling towards the end of the semester, with recording early,

Quiz 14 and final for the Music Historians --

their last day, and another impressive class.






academic errands)


back, editing page 6 Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel: 1895 - Max Burckhard, Op. 232, No. 17,

partially over videos, on the 42nd day of fall, high 55 (a relatively balmier 61 to the southwest), .13 inches precipitation (3.21 for the rainfall year since July 1),

with a late-night run to U.C. Davis Library for work re The Opus Project presents Opus 36: A Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle (8pm, Sunday, December 20, 2015, Diablo Valley College Music Building, Pleasant Hill, CA)