April 24 - All Enlightened

A devilishly difficult time judging for the California Music Teachers Composition Contest - Teacher Division, but, finally, all is accomplished -- and actually a very pleasant task overall, in conjunction with several esteemed Swarthmore associates and others. 

Earlier, somehow work in composition page 8 Raising Messiah (a second sheet for No. 3 Air "What I Need") and errands, before blasting out after the adjudication


San Francisco


embarking towards Philadelphia in the 11th hour...  High down 6 to 73 on the 53rd day of "summer": yet, hardly that, with the first rain since April 7's .91, now with a miniscule .01 more, for a total of 16.86 since January 1 (the Airport way down there at 10 degrees cooler -- 63 -- with twleve times the precip [.12])