September 29 - Surprise Party
Chatting with
Michael Stubblefield briefly after
Theory (W.A. Mozart Sonata in C Major, K. 545, for Dictation / Keyboard-Solfege / Board Harmony), he mentions that he has just subbed for Owen. Upon exiting the Music Building, Matt Rizzo asks if I am subbing for Theory II?
Glad to oblige (turns out an email was sent only recently to this effect), and we proceed with roughly the topics of the past period, augmented a bit by matters of Orchestration and Voice-Leading.
Another moony /
sunny /
foggy transit there,
followed by composition, plus lunch and Opus 34 preliminaries with Carol at a local Chinese spot,
and a return,
via errands,
to continue editing page 32 Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel: 1888 Alma Maria Schindler, Op. 232, No. 10,
on the 221st day of summer,
high down 8 to 82 (143 days 80+),
with the highs 77 / 64
in Pleasant Hill and Pinole...