October 27 - Fire in the Whole

Getting off the freeway, almost pull up in front of a stopped car, but, moments before, detect slight smoke emerging from same, so, shift lanes just in time to nevertheless be immobile for minutes as said vehicle, Hindenberg-like, "Bursts into flames!  Bursts into flames!").  While still stuck in the general morass, a firetruck arrive pronto to begin putting out the conflagration, not before traffic finally moves, and we make our getaway.

After an interval, and upon return, the poor auto-da-fe'ed auto is finally transported away, and c. an hour later, nothing (yes, a third crossing of the same intersection, though three different directions) remains to acknowledge that the situation ever occurred but a few charred ashes....

In other news,

make the ungodly early-morning commute, and begin

Voice-Leading-for-Keeps with the Theoreticians, featuring Paul McCartney's Yesterday as Dictation / Board-Harmony.  Composition and

Opus 35 meeting with

Carol and a return, on the 248th day of summer, high down 7 to 73 (71 in Pleasant Hill and Pinole) -- continuing to edit page 2 Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel: 1889 - Carl Moll, Op. 232, No. 11...