March 18 - Sign, Hear
The house refinance signing finally happens, the friendly notary in attendance,
the afternoon situation almost in jeopardy,
due to an unusual morning classroom incident during the
Dictation / Board-Harmony on Kurt Weill's Threepenny Opera: Ballad of Mac the Knife, which ends with all hopefully well in the long-run, including grateful escort assistance from Michael and Alain, on a day when, incredibly, the internet and phone just happen to be out at DVC.
a quick stop for a new printer cartridge
(in case copies must be made), but our official person has matters well in hand, as we sign here, and here, and here -- in a Firesign Theatresque, minimalist undertaking...
Publication work for II. Raga Mary Kalyam from Mary Variations, Op. 28 (1985), produced on the 23rd day of summer, high up to 80 (75 in Pleasant Hill) -- second warmest, and as 80+, bested only by March 14's 82