March 23 - Of Loving Grace

Yes, here's the forlorn mirrow -- given the other possible outcomes, fortunate indeed...

ROBIN: Golly Batman, you could have been killed!

BATMAN: Or worse...

ROBIN: Atomic batteries to power.

Turbines to speed.

BATMAN: Roger.

Ready to move out.

Whole Step / Half Step and Half Step / Whole Step Messiaenic Octatonic Scales for the Diablo Valley College

Theoreticians + Richard Rodgers The Sound of Music: Do-Re-Mi for Dictation / Keyboard-Solfege / Board Harmony (beginning Voice-Leading),

Carol stopping by during make-up quizzes (proceedings interrupted by an urgent one-minute mini-meeting with Bret re immediate, possibly-long-term, sudden substition needs, starting at 8am tomorrow morning),


Concord Toyota,

a mirror-replacement scheduling call to Novato

(from Benicia Bridge Parking),


homeward, continuing preparation publication of the flute-piano Mary Variations: VII. Salieri Mary, over more-or-less




excess... high back to a springy 69 (67 in Pleasant Hill)... 3 Days 80's / 24 Days 70's / 43 Days 60's / 12 Days 50's for the year thus far...