November 11 - Follow the Light

Compose page 2 of The Decameron - Fifth Day, Op. 247: Novel I - Cimon, by Loving, Waxes Wise, Wins Iphegenia, Op. 247, No. 1,

before heading out to standard vehicular maintenance at Novato Toyota,

grading papers at the local

Chevy's in the meantime,


south to the post box (financial greetings, fortuitous that the Journal is again in motion) and errands, then dinner with Carol re Opus 35, before heading home to edit a fourth sheet re Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel: 1892 - Sylt, Op. 232, No. 14, on the 9th day of fall, high again 61 (on either side of this - San Rafael, 60; Pinole, 62).