November 3 - Dawn Lights
First early-morning Standard-Time commute of the season,
and on a crusade to determine just how early one has to leave to avoid the traffic...
ongoing answer thus far:
before 6, arriving with plenty of time for a bit of catch-up and composition,
before the 8am rendezvous with the Theoreticians, taking in Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms: II and Andrew Llyod Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar: Hosanna for Dictatations and Board Harmony,
the latter also as Keyboard-Solfege for this Week 12 of the class.
Head up to the Arts Division thereafter for paperwork, assisted by Maria, meeting the new Interim Dean Toni Fannin (Michael Almaguer heading over to San Francisco State),
and thence to
Magoo's and
Carol's for more paper-grading and Opus Projecting,
continuing to edit a second page of Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel: 1891 - Geza Zichy, Op. 232, No. 13,
on the second day of fall, high 66 (67 Pleasant Hill, and a summer day of 70 in Pinole)...